Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 42 - Happy September

How about starting out September with some NSVs?

I went into my closet this morning, and decided to try on some tops that I have yet to wear - gifts which were too small at the time I recieved them, and I was too embarrassed to let the givers know their estimates were too low. Well, both (now) fit, after two years of hanging in my closet, taunting me!

That was an AWESOME non-scale victory (NSV).

There is a downside, however. While getting dressed this morning, I realize I need to shop for some new undergarments. They are losing their ability to, um, support properly. (We'll leave it at that.) So, you know what I'm doing this afternoon. SHOPPING !! (Okay, it just turned into a NSV there.)

I also noticed my office arm rests aren't digging into my thighs. Oh, I still "touch" them, but it won't be long before I will disconnect from my office chair's armrests. (Did you know, the average width of an office chair is 19"? The average width of an airline coach seat - I've read - is LESS than 18"?)

And I just realized I am a mere 7.5 lbs away from my first mini-goal reward - new shoes.

Kathy (my 60 lb challenge buddy) indicated she celebrates a birthday in September. Isn't that a coincidence? I do as well! I guess I need to take an updated photo of my progress this month, so I can compare it to the one a year from now (at 60 lbs lighter) ... but I really want to wait until I hit 277 lbs., so perhaps October??

My next doctor appointment is in the last half of October, and I am looking forward to seeing what the lab results are. The ONLY thing to change from my last appointment/labs was my diet. I guess we will see how powerful dietary changes can be.

Happy September, One and All.

Day 42 and doing well ...


  1. Good things just follow you, Ann.
    And Happy September to you, as well!

  2. Love the chair stuff... My happiest days, when I sit and don't belly chafe !!

  3. Why wait for the pictures. Take 'em now. You want to see that progress don't you?

  4. Have fun shopping! The NSV's just keep coming! :)

  5. I'm in the same place you are unmentionables are too big so I had to buy some this past weekend. Clothes are next on my list. You're doing great!!!


  6. Hi Ann...I've given you an award...come by and pick it up.


  7. I have a bunch of clothes to that I bought over the past few years. I can’t wait to fit into them. Congratulations on your NSV!! Michele

  8. Way to go! I know how you feel, happy clothes are too big, not happy nothing to wear. LOL

  9. NSV's for you; too cool! Come on Mini Goal, Ann needs a new pair of shoes! Keep on gett'n it done Ann!
