Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 68 - Seeking Experienced Trail-blazers

I'm seeking advice.

The food holidays are coming up. Does anyone have any tips on how to successfully negotiate through the food mine-field that looms before us?

I'm actually a little more nervous about Christmas than Thanksgiving, simply because Thanksgiving is concentrated on just one day. Christmas, on the other hand, is an entire season of parties and cookies and so forth.

Allan would say, eat less and move more - excellent diet advice, simplified.

And, of course, he is right. I've watched Allan successfully negotiate through a pretty impressive Yom Kippur feast, and he is humming along at minus 124 lbs!!

I've been reading last fall's blog entries and they are literally FILLED with regret. I didn't read a single entry (so far) that didn't have "I went off my diet" or "wish I had stayed truer to my plan" themes. Some of the weight gains were significant. I want to avoid that awful "why did I do that" feeling. Today, right now, I'm pretty confident I could stick to my plan ... but I'm not seeing the sights and smelling the aromas either.

I'm looking for strategies to turn to, if my normal resolve starts to disintegrate into "I'll just have a bite of this" or "just a taste of that" ... that slippery slope we all know so well.

I am NOT giving myself a vacation from my diet. That isn't an option for me. What works, to get one past that weak moment, where the old family favorites (unhealthy, to be sure) are beckoning?

Any experienced food holiday trail-blazers out there?

Day 68 and thinking how much I don't want to be a holiday "morning after" statistic ...


  1. Morning, Salads, water, fruit, and think positive. No cheating, and read the recent post as to why. You can definitely do this..

  2. I think this for the holidays:
    If nothing else, I will look back and say:
    "Remember 2010? That was the year I didn't have any cake."
    Or cookie, eggnog, vodka, ice cream, bread, or WHATEVER!
    And it might just be the year we turn it all around!
    Trail - mix, anyone?

  3. I think that I, and many other people, fail at diets because we aim at the wrong target. We try to change our external appearance, but that's not even where the problem is.

    The problem, and the solution, are in our mind. If we can just change our way of thinking, the body will come along, just like a small dog on a leash.

    And it's totally in our control; nobody else can make us put a single bit of food in our mouth.

    There are lots of things in this world that are out of our control -- global warming, economic trends, natural disasters -- but our own minds and diets are totally under our control. We can't blame anybody else when we overeat.

  4. I'm intimidated by it too, Ann, and am planning to just not eat it. I can fill my plate with no casseroles, no bread, no sweets, nothing swimming in grease. Just protein, salad, and veggies. My dish that I take to any of these gatherings will be something that I can eat, prepared in a healthy way. Oh, and definitely no seconds.

  5. My advise is what helped me get through the holidays in the past. WORKOUT more! During the holidays,I moved my workouts to the mornings,and I worked out hard. When I have a great workout, I am more apt to eat better through the rest of the day. By working out in the morning, I didn't give myself an excuse in the evening not to get the workout in. And, because I had worked out so hard,if I did slip a bit at a holiday party, atleast I had burned plenty of extra calories that morning.

  6. I am with ya sistar, I am freakin a little about the holidays. I am going to eat at the designated event DAY, then avoid the leftovers like the plague. I don't have parties to contend with usually, for me it is more of all the tamales the members bring in... they are sooooo good!! but evil!!

  7. There's a thought, Karla ... thinking of stuffing as evil !! LOL Avoiding leftovers is a good idea - thanks!

    Jessica, since I am the original couch potato, doing intensive (or any) workout to counter-balance the diet side of the equation didn't come right to my mind - but I am going to use that idea. Of course, "intense" to me, right now, is anything faster than a stroll, heavier than the dictionary, or something that requires use of the ab muscles that people keep telling me we have ... haven't seen mine in YEARS, so I'm not sure they're still in there. Another good suggestion - thanks!

    Jo, I'm already planning to use that "take what I can eat" strategy, since it worked so well for me at the cookout party! Great minds think alike ...

    Allan said...
    Morning, Salads, water, fruit, and think positive. No cheating, and read the recent post as to why. You can definitely do this..

    September 26, 2010 9:38 AM
    anne h said...
    I think this for the holidays:
    If nothing else, I will look back and say:
    "Remember 2010? That was the year I didn't have any cake."
    Or cookie, eggnog, vodka, ice cream, bread, or WHATEVER!
    And it might just be the year we turn it all around!
    Trail - mix, anyone?

    René, truer words were never spoken! And I will do my best to put mind over (food) matter.

    Anne ... LOL ... that was excellent perspective. "Oh, 2010, the year I didn't have stuffing!!" hahaha You are right, who will remember that stuff, so really, how important it is? Trail mix, hey? Hmmmmmmm ... with or without M&Ms? (OH, Did I just think that out loud?!!! NO M&Ms!!!!)

    Allan - absolutely right! NO CHEATING. Another good strategy - eat what's on plan prior to "the" meal. The fuller the tummy, with healthy stuff, the less bothersome temptation is apt to be. Good one!

  8. Ann,

    You are one step ahead of the game simply by thinking about it so early. Make a plan, work the plan. NO EXCEPTIONS!

    What has worked for me is an early decision that I will abstain from all food containing white sugar and white flour. It's hard, but just keep reminding yourself that Jan. 1 is right around the corner and how proud you will be. When possible, always take something you can eat, so you know there will be something.

    If you consider your "events" one at a time, it's not quite so overwhelming as looking at at six weeks of torture. Always review the next event and picture yourself at that event sticking with your plan.

    Make a pledge now that you will do no holiday baking and as much as is reasonably possible, keep all holiday goodies out of your house.

    As much as possible, stay out of grocery stores, Sam's Club and any shopping venues. I know one has to shop for gifts, but during the holidays, all these places become so food oriented many even handing our free samples. I have had more problems in this way than at social events.

    Your best defense is to make up your mind right now, this is something you can do and then whatever you do, DON'T take that first bite.

    When I lost my 65 pounds, I began my new eating plan on October 1 of that year. I promise that on January 1 I had no regrets about what I not eaten. It had been worth every bit I refused to take and I lost 7 pounds that month.

    Hope this helps!


  9. I am also thinking about the holidays already. What a great idea to read the blogs from last fall. I have two dinners that day and then a third house for a (third) serving of desert. I have to make some changes. I can't do that this year. 3 days after thansgiving I am going onm a cruise. It would be super easy to just eat like mad for an entire week... it would be so easy to justify in my crazy mind. I am not doing it this year. I am not! No binging! Know I just need a plan.

  10. I am also a little nervous. I started my journey the 1st of this year and this will be my first holidays.
    My plan is to use a little plate lol. I KNOW I am not going to be able to sit there and not eat anything, but at least I won't be filling up a huge dinner plate. I am going to get a bite or 2 of my favorites on a small salad plate :) That's my plan anyway! AND no pop.
