Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 144 - Weigh-in Results: 249

It is official, for purposes of The Spawn challenge - Sunday weigh-in = 249 (see yesterday's post for details).  I see a Kate Spade tote in my future!  (See Rewards tab)

12 Days of Salads

This is a salad recipe from Austria (brought back by my husband, who lived there once upon a time).  He kindly translated for me.  Keep in mind, as with many older European recipes, things are made "to taste" and no (or few) specific measurements are given!  Recipes are often "approximations" ... have fun with it.  And remember, this is a salad - not soup! 

Day 3:

Tiroler Lindensalat  (Tirolean Lentil Salad)

30 dkg lentils, soaked overnight in cold water.  Drain the water.  Then, with fresh water, cover lentils to about a finger's thickness of water.  Bring to a simmer over low heat.   Add a small ham bone and salt. 

Do NOT let the lentils overcook.  You want them soft, but not falling apart.  While still soft, but firm, take off heat and let the lentils cool in the water/pot.

Mix a part of the lentil juice with vinegar (add vinegar to taste, to acceptable sourness).  The rest of the lentil juice should be drained from the lentils and disgarded.  [presume, of course, the vinegar juice is then returned to the lentils, just enough to flavor the dish]

Mix drained lentils, a small bit of milled pepper, salt, sugar, finely cut onions and 20 dkg of lean roast, cut into small noodle-like pieces. [think "julienne" when doing this, then cut crosswise into smaller pieces]

Mix salad well, sprinkle with 3-4 TB oil and finely cut chives. 

Serves 4.  If using as a main dish, top with quartered hard boiled egg and serve with roasted potato slices.

Note for Americans:  1 dkg = 10 grams = 0.3527 ounces


More later ...


  1. Congratulations, down into the 240s I am so excited for you. you are going so strong. I might just have to try that salad. take care have the best weekend.

  2. YAY!!! I hope I'm down there soon too :)

  3. 12 days of salad... hummm sounds intriguing.

    You are kicking some serious butt there! you water drinking, weight losing powerhouse!! :)

  4. WOO HOO! A new decade for Ann!

  5. 12 days of salad - FUN!!!! Thanks for sharing your recipes! I LOVE lentils. :) Congrats on hitting 249! You are rocking this weight loss!

  6. Thanks for the farmer analogy, Ann! I've been in the 190s for over four months, and I'm so ready to move on! I lost 70 pounds in nine months and then just kind of stalled. My fitness has improved, so I'll be happy with that. :) Thanks for being your sweet self.

  7. Congrats on hitting the 40's! I am loving your 12 days of salads.. I need some new ideas! So good to find a fellow cookbook lover! :)

  8. Look. The new decade for you! weigh-in, no longer morbidly obese. How insanely wonderful is that?

    We're both at our late nineties weights. How more twinnish are we getting? Except you're a faster loser than me, so I think I'll be wavin hi and bye at you as you zoom downwards. Hey, let's just get healthy. Onward!

    thanks for the encouragement. Fresh start feels nicer with diet pals cheering you on...

  9. Great job! ♥ These salads sound great, I definitely bookmarked todays to make soon!!!

  10. Congrats on the 240s and also, I was reading Katie's blog - Finding the thin within - so I will congratulate you on your Honest Scrap award too!
